As a small business, we are very grateful for the support we have received over the past 65 years. As our way of showing our appreciation, we are having a CYBER WEEKEND SALE, offering great discounts on our Soo Locks Boat Tour and Lighthouse Cruise tickets! We’ve covered the entire weekend from Black Friday, to Small Business Saturday, and continuing right through Sunday to Cyber Monday! Discount Code “yellowandblue” will be enabled from 12:01AM Friday, November 24 through 11:59PM Monday, November 27!
Enter the Promo Code at Checkout. Offer valid:
11/24 @ 12:01AM thru 11/27 @ 11:59PM
Select any date/time – We can change it later!
$26 Adult $8 Youth (5-17)
June 22; July 6, 20; Aug 3, 17, 31; Sept 14
$55 (Age 5 and above) $1 (Age 0-4)